Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2017

(1999) Odious Sanction - Psychotically Enraged

I remember this band mostly from bargain bins, but since their drummer's current band, the legendary Immolation (!!!) is releasing a new record right about now, I figured it was due to revisit this 1999 record once again. It's very percussive, the guitars delivering palm muted riff after palm muted riff. The drumming is top notch, too. The vocals are raspy shouts, kinda similar to Dim Mak. Regarding the fact that Osious Sanction stayed quite obscure I have a suspicion that it might be related to the vocals, because I felt that that turned many people off of Dim Mak. For me personally it's not a problem, so it's sad to see these bands remain stuck in the lower pits of the underground.

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